Ambient Music
Written in 2008 and featuring the newly released Omnisphere synthesiser.
In 2024 I started using several new bits of music software which kicked off another ambient music phase. This was my first offering.
Another piece from my 2024 ambient phase.
Monsta Innit
Written during my "ambient" craze of 2007.
Southern Lights
Recorded in 2008 - more ambient noodling.
Through The Open Door
Words by Jenny, my wife. Inspired by a Stella Parslow painting that we have in our bedroom. Vocoder vocals so I class this as an instrumental. Recorded in 2006/7.
Instrumental Music
A guitar instrumental from 1994.
Cheer Yourself Up
Written in 1984 when I got my DX7 - the must-have synth of the day. This recording is from 2001.
Written in the eighties and named in a competition by my student Andrew Brown.
Finger Snap Blues
Written in the early nineties.
The Great Fire Of London
Written in 2007 for an assembly at The Robert Drake School.
Medieval Christmas
A Christmas instrumental from the eighties - "hey nonny nonny".
Olly's Blues
Written for Olivia Draper in the eighties to help her pass her Music GCSE. A firm favourite with my school guitarists ever since.
The River
Written in 2003.

Music and story written in 1985, 1986 and 1989. The story can be downloaded by clicking here.